How We Support The Communities
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Our community is critically important to us, not only because we live in our community, but also because we were literally born out of our community. The research and development process of our very first product and still our flagship product Back Vitalizer™ was created with the help of Ontario Centres of Excellence in Toronto. The initial assembly technology and processes were developed in collaboration with Ontario Community Living in Welland, Ontario.
Over the past 15 years, we have been continuously working with and supporting various underprivileged communities in Canada and abroad, through leading charity organizations such as Salvation Army, Community Living, Operation Eyesight Universal, Rotary International, etc.
We have helped people regain their eyesight by donating through Operation Eyesight Universal. We have helped handicapped people actively involved in the community life through Salvation Army and Community Living. We have helped children access school learning in South Africa through Mapungubwe Foundation. We have support many other projects through Rotary International and other charity organizations.
Underprivileged people deserve a better life. Your continued business allows us the privilege of helping those underprivileged people around the world. In each purchase you make with us, a part of it goes to underprivileged children or adults. Each time we help make a third world child or farmer smile, you are part of who made it possible. Please accept our sincere gratitude to you for your continued trust and business. We look forward to our privilege of serving our valued clients in many years to come.
Select charity organizations we have supported: